After an industry wide contest with hundreds of submissions, Amtech is proud to announce EnCore as the winning submission for the renaming of iNEXT. The winning entry was submitted by Dura Fibre’s Continuous Improvement Manager, Nathan Bevers.

EnCore, previously known as iNEXT, is the cloud-based next generation software to Amtech’s industry leading Imaginera. iNEXT sales commenced in January of 2017, and since demand for the EnCore conversions have been strong.

“The inspiration behind the name EnCore came from Amtech’s long history of constantly going the extra mile by updating their software, creating new modules and transitioning to the latest technology,” stated Nathan. Nathan also took the time to point out Amtech’s system is the heart and core of the packaging companies that utilize it. 

“I think the name EnCore says it all and will continue to challenge our company to always do more so our customers can do more for their customers,” stated Cosmo DeNicola.

With is winning entry, Nathan will receive an all-expenses paid trip to a location of his choice in the Continental United States, One free EnCore software license for his company and a $5,000 donation in Dura Fibre’s name to the ICPF.

The new name was announced at the Fall 2017 Amtech User Group meeting on October 17th, 2017 at the Wyndham hotel in San Diego. The attendees were excited to hear the new name and Amtech’s commitment to give more to their customers and industry (International Corrugated Packaging Foundation).