Gulf Packaging, Inc. is a quality supplier of corrugated shipping boxes and supplies servicing the Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana markets. The company specializes in design and custom runs. Reputable for its focus on customer service, Gulf Packaging defines its core business strength as a dependable plant.
Beginning at its establishment in 1990, Gulf Packaging used BoxPro ERP software from Hyperware to meet its manufacturing needs. Although the BoxPro system was a business solution that aimed to optimize plant operations, the lack of application depth and software integration caused challenges for plants with growth aspirations.
Specifically for Gulf Packaging, BoxPro’s cost estimating and inventory modules failed to aggregate critical data necessary for the plant to make informed business decisions and ignite growth.
As a packaging manufacturer, we rely heavily on the availability and accuracy of data,” says Paul Morris, Gulf Packaging General Manager.
“The BoxPro software simply didn’t have the estimating tools to get the job done, and we began to realize that we just needed a better overall system.”
Intent on upgrading plant operations, Gulf Packaging began to search for a more versatile solution. A key component of the selection process was identifying a system that could better manage inventory and estimate costs.
“We spent a fair amount of time shopping around, looking at all the different solutions, but ultimately identified Amtech’s system as the one that made the most sense,” says Morris.
The Amtech ERP is a flexible, functional software designed to positively impact the business bottom line. From data collection and sales analysis to accounting, estimating, and scheduling, Amtech was able to offer a comprehensive solution to Gulf Packaging’s specific needs.
“Amtech continually reinvests in their system. There are annual software upgrades and the addon modules made Imaginera hard to resist,” adds Morris.
The transition from BoxPro to Imaginera was a smooth, seamless process. Amtech, who purchased Hyperware in 2001, retrieved all of Gulf Packaging’s customer and production data and integrated it into the new system. Morris adds, “The entire process, from the first day of training to go-live, took only 90 days.”
In addition to the core software, Amtech offers a suite of award-winning, add-on modules to better address key components in plant operations.
“The ability to use the Top Gun module was definitely one of the key selling points to the Amtech upgrade,” says Morris. “Top Gun is the leading inventory management system and implementing it into our system has been unbelievably beneficial.”
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General Manager
Gulf Packaging
Since implementing Amtech ERP software, Gulf Packaging has experienced substantial improvement in its inventory evaluations, reporting, and cost estimating. As Gulf Packaging continues to grow, Amtech will be by its side to provide innovative business solutions and world-class support.