Have you ever thought to yourself: 

  • Amtech should put an option on this screen to <insert your need here>
  • I wish there were a button on this screen where you could <insert your idea here>
  • Does anyone at Amtech know anything about working at a box plant? (Admit it, some of you have said that.) 

IdeasWell, now there is a place where you can tell us your idea! 

A new Case Type in iServe denotes your idea called “Product RoadMap Idea.” When submitting your product idea, please include in the description the “why” in addition to the “what.”   

For example, if you want a quick way to open the Expediting screen from Order Processing, you could enter the following: 

  • Why: As a CSR, I need to be able to view the production status of multiple orders so I can respond to customer questions more quickly. 
  • What: Add an option in Order Processing to open the Expediting screen.

The Amtech Product Management Teams will review these ideas and consider them for inclusion in the future roadmap. 

NOTE: These product ideas are different from RFEs, which are enhancements that a customer is willing to pay to have developed for their environment.   

We’d love to hear your product suggestions!

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